Camerata Futures….

Camerata Singers is committed to returning to our Futures program. “Post”-pandemic, we don’t yet know what our Futures program will look like, but please check back soon. We will keep with our mission of teaching, singing and performance by bringing in auditioned students from area high schools to sing with the group for our March concerts.

If you are, or know of, a student with a talent for singing please contact our conductor, Bill McMillan. Auditions are usually held in December to sing with the chorus from January through March culminating in our March performances. Students need the consent of their music teacher or administrator and parent(s) or guardian.


Students rehearse with us each Tuesday evening for approximately 9 weeks. This schedule starts with the first scheduled rehearsal in January. The program culminates with weekend performances the first or second weekend of March.


Rehearsals begin at 6:45pm and end at 8:30pm in Salinas, and include a day-long singing retreat (rehearsal) one Saturday in February. See downloadable form (below) for specific dates.

Click here for Camerata Futures Application

Please call 831.642.2701 for information, or email


The Board of Directors has established the Camerata Futures Scholarship Fund to offer an annual scholarship award to encourage and support music education for students who have participated in the Camerata Futures program.

Camerata Singers will award one or two scholarships per year to a Camerata Futures participant, up to $1,000 per fiscal year, to be used in pursuit of music education, such as private music lessons, college tuition, seminars, and workshops.

Applications are due by April 1 and will be awarded by June 1 of that same year.

Click here for the Scholarship Application

Click here for the Letter of Reference Form

Please call 831.642.2701 or write for information